Nutrition Solutions is a specialist nutrition and dietetic clinic for digestive health and gastrointestinal disorders. All appointments are with Jocelyn Hunter Clarke Dietitian (APD) & Nutritionist (AN).

Cholesterol and heart health

Eating for heart health

Healthy eating along with regular physical activity is a good start to reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease (stroke, heart attack, circulation problems). Your diet and lifestyle can affect

  • Your blood fats (cholesterol, triglyceride)
  • Your blood pressure
  • Your body weight

Making diet & lifestyle changes is the key to reducing blood cholesterol, blood pressure and excess body fat, and  improving your heart health.

Do you have high cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a fatty substance produced naturally in the body and found in the blood. Certain foods can also cause your body to produce more cholesterol. All animals need some cholesterol to survive because it has many functions in the body but cholesterol becomes a health risk if there is too much in the blood, as it causes fatty deposits to gradually build up in the blood vessels. This makes it harder for blood to flow and can cause heart attack or stroke if major blood vessels are affected.

So it is important not to ignore your high cholesterol. Your doctor will decide whether medication is necessary to help reduce your cholesterol levels, but it is also important to seek the advice of a dietitian. Jocelyn Hunter Clarke is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and Accredited Nutritionist and can assist you to reduce your blood cholesterol.

Jocelyn can provide you with

    • Individual diet and lifestyle plan
    • Assistance with long term weight control
    • Information on
      • Healthy food choice to optimise heart health
      • Healthy fats for heart health and controlling cholesterol
      • Healthy shopping hints & guides
      • How to use the GI of foods to optimise health
      • Reading food labels
      • Best choices for takeaway & eating out

To make an appointment with the Jocelyn please click here.


Do you have high blood pressure?

High blood pressure (hypertension) affects almost a third of people over 50 years of age. Enjoying a healthy eating pattern that is low in salt is one way to help control your blood pressure or avoid it altogether.

Your doctor will decide whether you need medication to help control your blood pressure, but it is also worthwhile to seek the advice of a dietitian, particularly if you are overweight. Apart from limiting salt, it is important to achieve and maintain a healthy weight as reducing excess weight can lower the blood pressure in most people. In fact, some people may no longer require medication for their blood pressure or may require less medication, once weight loss has been achieved.

Learn more about healthy eating for optimum heart health while you lose weight by booking into the individually tailored weight loss program at Nutrition Solutions.

Are you overweight?

Many people with high blood pressure and high cholesterol have excess body fat, especially around the waist.  For these individuals, losing even a small amount of weight can help reduce blood pressure, blood cholesterol & triglyceride and improve heart health.

Learn more about healthy eating for optimum heart health while you lose weight by booking into the individually tailored weight loss program at Nutrition Solutions.

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Nutrition Solutions PO Box 3197 Yeronga 4104     Call us 07 3051 5833    Fax us 07 3051 0476
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